McCarty Mondays

In Eats with Engineers’ first published interview Nicole Sova talks with Dr. Owen McCarty.

The conversation covers everything from maintaining work/life balance, the most interesting project Dr. McCarty has ever worked on, to discussing his love for Snickers.

This is the first video in a multi-part series; the full interview will be released in December after publishing a few bite-sized pieces during what we’re calling McCarty Mondays.

Dr. Owen McCarty, biomedical engineering chair at Oregon Health and Sciences University, introduces himself and talks about his career so far. Check back in for another bit of the conversation every Monday.

Week 2: “Do you follow the recipe?” and “What is your favorite meal?”

Week 3: “Why did you pursue a career in academia?”

Week 4: “How do you manage feelings of failure?”

Week 5: “Do you use food to help foster connections in your team?”

Week 6: “What is the coolest project you’ve ever worked on?”